
2D plane automatic scanner

Wind turbine blade ultrasonic phased array electric scanner GS-60

Wind turbine blade ultrasonic phased array electric sweeper GS-60 is a two-dimensional plane automatic scanner using vacuum suction cup adsorption method. It can be used with phased array instruments to detect defects such as disbonding, porosity and inclusions of blades. The vacuum suction cup can make the scanner firmly adsorbed on the surface of the blade, scan through, and generate A, B, C, D scan images through automatic control of the X axis and Y axis to complete the grid configuration. The specially designed probe loading arm adapts to changes in the blade surface profile to ensure good coupling between the probe and the blade surface.

Support customization

Functional characteristics

    • Electric forklift with four wheels, suitable for bumpy ground and seats;

    • Integrating control panel, battery, control system, water pump, vacuum pump, etc;

    • There is a 48V power interface left, which has an external output power of about 500W and a forklift range of more than 10H;

    • The forklift has a side shift function, with a side shift distance of 15CM;

    • The manned lifting platform can carry 1-2 people, with an area of 1M * 1M, a maximum lifting height of 2M above the ground, and a common working range of no more than 1.5m above the ground;

    • One click return to zero, single axis up, down, left, right jog control, and automatic grid control;

    • Free switching between axial and radial scanning;

    • Synchronize water supply with scanning, delay control, and automatically stop water supply after scanning, effectively saving on-site water consumption;

    • The configuration of the scanning frame encoder can ensure that the size of the image scanned by the instrument is consistent with the size of the blade scanning area, with an error of ± 1%;

    • The battery is equipped with low voltage alarm and temperature control display, and the vacuum unit is designed to be sealed. If there is a power outage, the scanner can be kept on the blade for more than 10 minutes to prevent the tooling from falling, providing reaction time for manual protection;


Technical Parameter

Power interface

reserve 48V

External output power of the interface

500W about

Forklift range

10H more than

Sideshift distance


The manned lifting platform can carry

1-2 people



Maximum elevation above ground


The common working range should not exceed the ground level


Power outage can ensure that the scanner remains on the blade

10 More than minutes





电话:400 102 4025

400 102 4025