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Good news of winning the bid, with joint efforts and frequent reports of success

Release time:2022-09-22

In September 2022, our company received a successful bid for the third quarter bidding project. With good market reputation, mature and complete technical solutions, and reasonable quotations, our company stood out among competitors and successfully won the bid for the project "About Phased Array Leaf Tester and Endoscope Car".

At present, various preliminary preparations have been carried out in an orderly manner. This successful bid further consolidates our company's market in the phased array blade automatic flaw detection system, and lays a more solid foundation for strengthening our advantages and making full efforts in the future work. We will guard against arrogance and impatience, constantly summarize experience, innovate management, and present more cases to everyone, creating new achievements for the company!

The following is the bid winning notice for the project of "Phased Array Tester and Endoscope Car"





电话:400 102 4025

400 102 4025