How to quickly and accurately inspect duplex stainless steel welds? Show off your skills in ultrasonic phased array detection!

Release time:2023-09-26










Schematic of Clutter Coupling Across Welds

Detection process based on TRL probe
Detection object

The welding seam specification of the inspected pipeline is 450mm in diameter and 14.27mm in wall thickness. The "V" groove argon arc welding method is used, and the material is duplex stainless steel (grade S31803).


Section diagram and appearance of the inspected weld seam

Characteristics of TRL probe


DMA (short for Dual Matrix Array) is a two-dimensional matrix phased array probe belonging to the TRL (longitudinal wave one transmit one receive) series, which can significantly improve the penetration ability and signal-to-noise ratio of sound beams, mainly due to the following advantages of this probe:

1. Adopting low-frequency longitudinal wave mode
2. Adopting a one send one receive mode
3. The wedge size is small, and the energy loss of sound waves in the wedge is relatively small


Appearance of DMA probe wedge

Sound beam simulation and detection process

The phased array detection area should include the interior of the weld seam, the heat affected zone, and its adjacent areas. To ensure that the sound beam effectively covers the inspected area, it is necessary to simulate the propagation of the sound beam to determine and optimize the ultrasonic phased array detection process. The SetupBuilder acoustic beam simulation software is simple and practical. Based on theoretical acoustic formulas, it guides the setting of detection process parameters by calculating and simulating the beam coverage generated by various types of transducers under specific process settings.

nd acoustic beam simulation, taking into account the directionality of incomplete fusion in the groove, the detection process was determined to use DMA probes as the main method for single-sided and double-sided sector scanning, supplemented by low-frequency linear array probes for transverse wave detection.


Schematic diagram of DMA probe and linear array probe detection process

Process certification


To ensure the reliability of the process, process certification is conducted on the demonstration test block with defects to ensure that all defects in the demonstration test block can be effectively detected, and the size and position of the detection can match the actual situation.


Demonstration block structure diagram


In order to simulate the actual state of the inspected weld seam more realistically, the material of the demonstration block is directly cut from the inspected pipeline and welded according to the welding process of the inspected weld seam. In the above figure, A is the surface groove used to simulate surface defects such as weld toe cracks; B is the groove at the groove, used to simulate surface defects such as incomplete fusion in the internal groove of the weld seam; C is the root groove used to simulate defects at the root; D is the internal hole of the weld seam, used to simulate volumetric defects such as pores and slag inclusions inside the weld seam.

The experiment uses the Olympus OMNISCAN MX2 ultrasonic phased array detector, which sequentially calibrates the sound speed, wedge delay, angle calibration gain, and TCG (depth compensation) curve. Suitable encoders and scanning frames are installed, and the scanning process is followed to scan and save the data.

The results show that the detection process can effectively detect all defects in the test block, and the positioning and quantitative results are basically consistent with the actual values, indicating that the process is feasible within the allowable error range.


Demonstration block ultrasonic phased array detection effect diagram

Field application


During the application of ultrasonic phased array testing technology to replace traditional radiographic testing in a liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline, a defect of approximately 50mm in length was found at the root of a certain weld seam.


On site phased array detection results


During the removal of the pipeline near the welding junction, it was visually observed that one side of the root was not fused, and its length was measured to be approximately 48mm.


Actual appearance of defects


The visual results and phased array detection results are almost identical, further verifying the effectiveness and reliability of the process.



The detection process based on DMA probes can effectively detect duplex stainless steel welds and effectively solve the shortcomings of traditional detection methods and processes. In multiple ocean engineering projects, using this testing process as a substitute for radiographic testing can make significant contributions to project progress while ensuring engineering quality, and has significant application value.





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